Technical Support

Key Programming Technical Support
We have a dedicated team of technical staff dealing with key and remote programming issues, key cloning and eeprom solutions. This service is offered free of charge for the first 12 months of purchasing a key programming or cloning machine from us, and additionally available on an annual basis by purchasing tech support fro our Extended Warranty page.
To check your current key programming technical support status, and to purchase extended warranty and/or technical support for 12 months, please visit our
Extended Warranty & Tech Support Page
Info Quest
For up to date information on which vehicle can be programmed with the AD100pro and MVPPro, please see the Advanced Diagnostics Info Quest.
Advanced Diagnostics Forum
Users of Advanced Diagnostics tools can access the Advanced Diagnostics Forum for help and support on key programming jobs. The forum is an excellent place to go to discuss programming issues with other locksmiths, and find solutions to tricky or complicated programming procedures.
Please note that the Advanced Diagnostics forum is for existing owners of AD key programming equipment. You will need to register and log in to use this forum.
Teamviewer Support
On occasion, it may be necessary and beneficial to directly take over your PC, so that we can fix certain software issues or resolve problems. If this is required, you will be asked to run TeamViewer software on your computer.
If instructed to do so, simply click the TeamViewer logo below to run the TeamViewer Quick Support program. We will then be able to access your PC remotely.
Diagnostics Software Support
We offer full software support on all diagnostic equipment that we sell. So if you are having problems installing or running any diagnostic software we've supplied, you can call our Diagnostic Technical Support line on 01823 328531.
Please note, however, that this support does not include any vehicle support.