Zed-FULL PLUS BMW Software / Hardware

The Zed-FULL PLUS BMW Hardware Package
Whilst the ability to program BMW keys and remotes has been on the Zed-FULL for a long time, this has been expanded and improved over recent months. Now it is possible to cover the vast majority of BMW vehicle up to CAS 3+. (around 2014).
On the CAS systems, Zed-FULL uses a variety of methods to communicate with the vehicle. On many occasions we can connect directly onto the OBD socket and program a new remote key straight into the memory. On vehicles that fail to communicate via the OBD socket, we have a special cable that connects directly onto the CAS immobiliser box; then the remote key is programmed straight to the box, often without the need to remove the CAS box.
If all the above fails, we still have a third option to remove the CAS box and carry out an eeprom process. Eepromming a CAS box is often relatively simple, with some soldering required, however often the Eeprom does not need removal.
On the older EWS systems (Diamond head key) the immobiliser box requires removal but again the process is often straight forward, with connections direct to the immobiliser box instead of the need to remove the Microprocessor. There is even a special adapter board to enable communication with the Motorola 9S12 security microprocessor.
The hardware comes as a package with all adapters, cables and one of each key of 4 different remote keys.
Software Purchase Options
The software can be obtained as used in the same way as other Zed-FULL software. Please see the Purchase Options Page for more details.
The outright software package for BMW, if required, can be purchased for £1200.00.